Sunday, October 21, 2012

Faculty As Learners: Fall 2012 Faculty Development Day

Twice a year Wilmington University holds Faculty development Day for its adjunct faculty. The purpose of this event is to provide training in pedagogy and educational technology.
This event also updates adjunct faculty about Wilmu initiatives, and what’s new and happening. It is one of the few times that adjunct faculty actually have an opportunity to meet each other, talk, and share experiences.
Wilmu’s adjunct faculty are practitioners in the field, and therefore, have busy lives in which they don’t often have a chance to just sit and share teaching experiences with their adjunct faculty colleagues.
Kicking off the day was a welcome by the Vice-President of Academic Affairs encouraged instructors continue to provide academic quality and personalized attention to students in every class.
What followed were small break-out sessions with presentations about educational technology, assessment, and using the Ipad for educational purposes.
Instructors watched, listened, manipulated, and learned.
Instructors as learners... all in all, a wonderful day!